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CFDC's Assist to Teach Program

Updated: Jul 30, 2024

CFDC Assist to Teach Program

Does your child love dance, has been taking classes for several years, and they think they may want to continue teaching dance as they get older - or as a part time job while in school? What can they do now to prepare while they are still young? Here at CFDC we have created the perfect solution! Our Assist to Teach Program.

Classroom assistants are invaluable to our dance classes. Assistants help keep dancers from getting distracted during instruction. They help young dancers with shoes, band aids, bathroom breaks or getting back to their parents. At our end of year showcase, assistants participate as a leader on stage during the show to help young dancers remember their choreography.

In return, assistants learn how to teach and lead a dance class. Also, learning how to manage different behaviors and personalities. How to focus on students and the classroom regardless of whatever else may be going on personally. All while collaborating with the teacher on how to make the class, the most successful each week.

For our older assistants, there can be opportunities to sub classes. This happens if no other adult instructors are available. This opportunity is only available to our junior and senior high school student assistants. Asking them to sub individually or in pairs. Assistants will apply what they have learned, managing their own classroom and students while the regular teacher is absent.

Our program is designed to lead assistants to a teaching position at CFDC – a unique opportunity to teach at the studio they grew up in. Continuing on the dedication to excellence. The program provides a structured pathway for dancers to evolve from being students to mentors and ensures that not only do they enhance their technical proficiency, but they also develop the interpersonal and leadership skills crucial for effective teaching.

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