In our Wee Dance classes, we learn to share and take turns with others. Be mindful of each other’s space and learn how to cope with separation. We take children as young as 18 months, and separation from their parent/guardian can be challenging. CFDC instructors of preschool aged children, help guide students to learn that separation can be a positive experience. We say our goodbyes at the door and reassure dancers they will see their caregiver again soon. All of our preschool aged classes are taken without a parent or guardian. This helps lead students in a positive direction of learning independence, away from a parent or guardian. Teaching children to learn about themselves positively and independently.
At the elementary age we widen the talk of positive mindset. We learn how to speak to each other respectfully and learn how to use our words correctly. Speaking to others with respect is huge a thing at CFDC. We are always telling students, treat others how you would like to be treated. Words have a lot of meaning to them. Promoting a positive mindset using respect, will help guide students to become positive, healthy minded adults. Elementary students are encouraged to embrace each other’s differences and similarities. They are regularly reminded that they share a similar interest with all students attending class at the studio. The interest that brought them to CFDC in the first place, dance!
The middle school era can be a complicated time of your adolescence. The human body starts to change as it begins to form into its adult self. A positive mindset of 11-13 year olds is very important. There is a no tolerance of negative self-talk or negative talk to others. Dancers are reminded of what words can do. If you are confident in yourself there is no need to negatively talk about someone else. On the flip side, negative talk is usually a personal problem someone is dealing with. We also encourage dancers to talk it out, when there is something, they are upset by. Misunderstandings and assumptions happen all the time. Immediately going straight to the source can help resolve issues. Less negativity, leads to a healthy mindset for the present and future.
On a side note, CFDC always encourages dancers to participate and go for anything they want. Whether that be a new style of dance, demonstrating a combination by themselves, stepping out of their comfort zone to ask a question or feeling confident enough for improvisation. Key words being, stepping outside of your comfort zone. That is an important mindset, for everyone. And one that can be developed during the middle school years. A stepping stone to take with them into the next stage of life.
Speaking of support. Supporting high schoolers is very important. This stage of adolescence is the final stage in the journey to adulthood. Reminding them of all they have learned with CFDC. Putting all the mindset skills into action. The end of high school means most students are moving on to college and out in the world, on their own. CFDC prides itself in knowing that we helped prepared our dancers to step out into that world confidently. Supporting them at every stage in their journey.
Whether its instructors supporting students or students supporting students, everyone feels good about themselves with positive support. We pride ourselves of our supportive system with all of dancers but high schoolers are the ones who lead by example. Our high school aged dancers are always eager to help. Assisting in classes, standing on the sides cheering each other on or screaming super loud when a classmate masters a skill. All of our students look up to them, they are true role models. Our high school aged students are great example of our positive mindset product we promote at CFDC.
A healthy mindset is not only practiced on students. CFDC instructors thrive on it just as much. Collaborating on many projects, whether it be lesson planning or choreography, to working out issues that may arise in class. CFDC teachers are the best! A positive and a supportive mindset from staff members in classes, in the hallway and even social media, fills the entire studio with happiness.
Lastly, a great leader can provide the utmost positive mindset. And CFDC has the best there is!